My Trip

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How to use My Trip
Book Your Stay

Responsible Travel

Information is key when it comes to being a responsible traveller.

If you are unsure about something, the best policy is to ask for help.  You also have the option of exploring the resources below for guidance.

Stop in at the Golden Visitor Centre or contact local businesses and ask for guidance and travelling tips.  The people of Golden are friendly and knowledgeable and would be happy to assist you!

If you have a question, reach out to us using the chat function in the lower right-hand corner of our website.


There are currently no wildfires threatening the town of Golden, please review the resources below before departing on your trip to the area. 

Responsible Travel: Sledding

Responsible Travel: Getting to Golden

Responsible Travel: Respect Everything Local

Responsible Travel: Camping

Responsible Travel: Hiking

Responsible Travel: COVID-19

Responsible Travel: Biking




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